Cocoa Farmers
Improve significantly the living income and the working conditions of cocoa farmers
The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) is an inter-governmental organization established in 1973 under the auspices of the United Nations and operating within the framework of successive International Cocoa Agreements.
The Organization comprises 51 Member countries, of which 22 are cocoa-exporting countries and 29 are cocoa-importing countries. These Member countries together represent 86% of world cocoa exports and 72% of world cocoa imports.
Our vision is to see the achievement of the objectives set in the Global Cocoa Agenda for a Sustainable World Cocoa Economy. This Agenda, an outcome of the First World Cocoa Conference which took place in Abidjan in 2012, it is a roadmap set by cocoa stakeholders to achieve a Sustainable Cocoa Economy. Stakeholders have collectively agreed to tackle key challenges and take actions with respect to : Sustainable production, Sustainable industry chain, Sustainable consumption, and Strategic management of the cocoa sector. Our vision is to achieve these four objectives, for the benefits of all stakeholders.