Seminar on Cocoa Projects set for Accra in June

Following a decision taken by the International Cocoa Council at its 88th regular session in September 2013, the ICCO is to hold an International Seminar on the Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Cocoa Projects, which is being generously hosted by the Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod), at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 9 – 12 June 2015.

The seminar is intended for relevant officials and policy makers from ICCO exporting member countries, who are involved in cocoa development programmes and projects, as well as for companies, and for not-for profit development institutions in African cocoa-producing countries. It aims to strengthen their skills and capacity to identify cocoa development projects, and to formulate, implement and evaluate them to the satisfactory requirements of both local and international donor and lending institutions.

[media-downloader media_id=”3481″ texts=”The full programme of the seminar, along with practical arrangements for attendees, a registration form and details of special hotel rates kindly arranged by the Ghana Cocoa Board, are available here.”]

[media-downloader media_id=”3482″ texts=”Le programme intégrale du séminaire, ainsi que des informations utiles aux participants, le formulaire d’inscription, et les informations concernant les tarifs hôteliers spécialement négociés par le Ghana Cocoa Board, y sont disponibles.”]

All enquiries related to the seminar programme should be directed to Mr. Moisés Gómez, Project Officer (Telephone: +44 20 8991 6007 / 00; Email:

All enquiries related to registration and other practical arrangements should be directed to Mr. Philippe Pestelle, (Telephone: +44 20 8991 6019 / 00; Email:

Seminar partners: