
The RSCE has launched a new website

The Roundtable for a Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE) has launched a new website for intensive and interactive dialogue on the challenges of sustainability to the cocoa economy and in preparation for the 2nd Roundtable Meeting (RSCE2), to take…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, May 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of May 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in May. Chart…

May 2008 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics

The International Cocoa Organization today releases its revised forecasts for the current 2007/08 cocoa year of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans, summarized below. The data published in issue No. 2 - Volume XXXIV -  Cocoa…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, March 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of March 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in March. Chart…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, April 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of April 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in April. Chart…

What’s NEW on the Roundtable for Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE)

Mrs Assouan Acquah from Cote d'Ivoire has been confirmed as Co-Chair of the Working Group on the Roundtable for a Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE). Mr. Simon M. Schnetzer from Berlin, Germany, will start work on 20 May 2008 as Coordinator…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, February 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during  the month of February 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets…

February 2008 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics

The International Cocoa Organization today releases its first forecasts for 2007/08 and revised estimates for the 2006/2007 cocoa year of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans, summarized below. The data published in issue No.…

Monthly review of the cocoa market situation Jan 2007

Cocoa germplasm utilization and conservation: a global approach