
Cost & Benefit Analysis of the EU and US Regulatory Changes for Organic Production
Abidjan, 24 July 2024 - In recent years, organic chocolate has seen significant growth in both the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), driven by consumer demand for healthier and ethically produced foods. However, with this growth…

Cocoa Market Report for June 2024
Abidjan, 14 July 2024 - The International Cocoa Organization releases the Cocoa Market Report for June 2024. The current report highlights the following insights:
At the start of the month under review, the cocoa market did not appear to…

5ª edición de la Conferencia Mundial del Cacao – Declaración de Bruselas 24/04/2024
Esta declaración, aunque no es legalmente vinculante, expresa las aspiraciones de todos los participantes de la WCC5 para apoyar esfuerzos destinados a lograr un sector del cacao global más sostenible.
Todos los actores…

5ème édition de la Conférence mondiale du cacao – Déclaration de Bruxelles 24/04/2024
Cette déclaration, sans être juridiquement contraignante, formule les aspirations de toutes les parties prenantes ayant participé à la WCC5, à soutenir les efforts visant à atteindre un secteur cacaoyer mondial plus durable.

5th edition of the World Cocoa Conference – Brussels Declaration 24/04/2024
This declaration, while not legally binding, articulates the aspirations of all stakeholders who have participated in the WCC5 to support efforts aimed at achieving a more sustainable global cocoa sector.
All stakeholders should…

Call for bids to host the 3rd edition of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research – Exporting countries
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 19 June 2024. The ICCO Secretariat is pleased to announce the relaunching of the process for the selection of the host country for the 3rd edition of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR), to take place…

World cocoa bean stocks as at 31 March 2024
London, 19 June 2024. Following the recommendations of the International Cocoa Council made in April 2024, the ICCO Expert Working Group on Stocks (EWG-S) met today, Wednesday 19 June 2024 to review the level of world cocoa bean stocks as…

WCC5 Opening speech Michel Arrion – ICCO Executive Director
Speech by the ICCO Executive Director
World Cocoa Conference
Brussels, 22 April 2024
** Ministers,**
**Ladies and Gentlemen in your respective ranks, titles, and positions,**
March 2007 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
Monthly review of the cocoa market situation 2007
Monthly review of the cocoa market situation Jan 2007
Improvement of cocoa marketing and trade in liberalizing cocoa producing countries
Cocoa germplasm utilization and conservation: a global approach
Project on pilot plants for the processing of cocoa by-products in Ghana