August 2013 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
London, 30 August 2013--The International Cocoa Organization today releases its revised forecasts for the current 2012/2013 cocoa year and revised estimates for 2011/2012 of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans, summarized below. …
Malaysia joins the International Cocoa Agreement 2010
Malaysia on 5 August 2013 signed the International Cocoa Agreement 2010, the United Nations Treaty Section has confirmed.
Click here to see the official notification of accession to the Agreement from the United Nations.
International Cocoa Certification Workshop Report now available
The ICCO has published a full report on the International Workshop on Cocoa Certification, held in Douala, Cameroon in June.
The report, , includes a summary of the Workshop's themes, proceedings and outcome, along with its recommendations,…
African Cocoa Coalition signs Abidjan Declaration
LONDON, 22 July 2013—The African Cocoa Coalition (ACC), which comprises autonomous non-governmental organizations and farmer groups active in the cocoa sector, has become the 35th stakeholder to sign the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration.
Nicaragua joins the International Cocoa Agreement 2010
Nicaragua on 15 July 2013 acceded to the International Cocoa Agreement 2010, the United Nations Treaty Section has confirmed.
Click here to see the official notification of accession to the Agreement from the United Nations.
ICCO Workshop in Cameroon gathers worldwide experts to review cocoa certification
London, 12 July 2013—The ICCO’s latest International Workshop brought to Douala, Cameroon a group of world experts to tackle the thorny issue of certification in the cocoa sector.
The International Workshop on Cocoa Certification, which…
May 2013 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
London, 29 May 2013--The International Cocoa Organization today released its revised forecasts for the current 2012/2013 cocoa year and revised estimates for 2011/2012 of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans, summarized below.…
ICCO Membership News January 2011
Outgoing Executive Director will be succeeded by Dr. Jean-Marc Anga.
International Cocoa Council and Subsidiary Bodies, 13-17 September 2010 will take place at Bloomsbury House, 2-3 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2RL.
Live TV Interview by Dr. Jan Vingerhoets, Executive Director to Thomson Reuters
Outcome of the Pilot Project on Price Risk Management for Cocoa Farmers in Côte d’Ivoire
Decisions of the Meetings of the International Cocoa Council and Subsidiary Bodies, 22-26 March 2010
Extension of the International Cocoa Agreement, 2001
Appointment of Dr. Jean-Marc Anga to serve as Acting Executive Director with effect from 1 October 2010
March 2010 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
Meeting of the Working Group for a Future International Cocoa Agreement, 11-15 January 2010