
Meeting of the Working Group for a Future International Cocoa Agreement, 11-15 January 2010

The meeting of the Working Group for a future International Cocoa Agreement will take place in London from 11-15 January 2010, at the ICCO headquarters, Commonwealth House, 1-19 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1NU. This meeting will be chaired…

Meetings of the International Cocoa Council and its subsidiary bodies, Yaounde, Cameroon, 22-26 March 2010

The meetings of the International Cocoa Council, the Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy, the Executive Committee and the Working Group for a future International Cocoa Agreement will take place in Yaounde, Cameroon, 22-26 March 2010 ED(MEM)…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, June 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of June 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in June. Chart…

The RSCE has launched a new website

The Roundtable for a Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE) has launched a new website for intensive and interactive dialogue on the challenges of sustainability to the cocoa economy and in preparation for the 2nd Roundtable Meeting (RSCE2), to take…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, May 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of May 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in May. Chart…

May 2008 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics

The International Cocoa Organization today releases its revised forecasts for the current 2007/08 cocoa year of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans, summarized below. The data published in issue No. 2 - Volume XXXIV -  Cocoa…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, March 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of March 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in March. Chart…

Monthly Review of the Cocoa Market Situation, April 2008

The current review of the cocoa market situation reports on price movements on the international markets during the month of April 2008.  Chart I illustrates price movements on the London (LIFFE) and New York (ICE Futures U.S.) markets in April. Chart…

CNN’s Richard Quest to moderate child labour panel at WCC2 Amsterdam

ICCO receives French Chocolate Academy’s 2014 prize

World Cocoa Conference gathers the sector to hear over 65 speakers

Zurich Certification Workshop finds common ground

Peru joins the International Cocoa Agreement 2010

Le Pérou adhère à l’Accord international sur le cacao de 2010

February 2014 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics

Futures Markets and Econometrics Modelling Seminar in Abidjan