
Monthly Review of the Market Cover July 2021

August 2021 Monthly Cocoa Market Report

Abidjan, 14 September 2021 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for August 2021. The current report highlights the following insights: Compared to their settlement values recorded on the first trading…

August 2021 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics

Abidjan, 31 August 2021 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases its revised forecasts for the 2020/21 cocoa year and revised estimates of world production, grindings, and stocks of cocoa beans for the 2019/20 cocoa year. The data…
Monthly Review of the Market Cover July 2021

July 2021 Monthly Cocoa Market Report

Abidjan, 13 August 2021 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for July 2021. The current report highlights the following insights: Prices of the nearby cocoa futures contract averaged US$2,195 per…

June 2021 Monthly Cocoa Market Report

Abidjan, 17 July 2021 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for June 2021. The current report highlights the following insights: Prices of the front-month cocoa futures contract declined by 4% in…

Prórroga del Convenio Internacional del Cacao 2010 hasta 2024 y buen progreso en su Enmienda.

Abidjan, 9 de julio de 2021. El Consejo Internacional del Cacao, en su reunión extraordinaria celebrada del 6 al 8 de julio de 2021, prorrogó la duración del séptimo Convenio Internacional del Cacao, 2010, por dos años, hasta el 30 de…

Prorogation de l’Accord International sur le Cacao jusque 2024, et de bons progrès dans sa révision

Abidjan, le 9 juillet 2021. Le Conseil International du Cacao, lors de sa session spéciale tenue du 6 au 8 juillet 2021, a prorogé la durée du 7ème Accord International sur le Cacao de 2 années, jusqu’au 30 septembre 2024. Cet Accord,…

Extension of the International Cocoa Agreement until 2024 and good progress in its Amendment

Abidjan, 9 June 2021. The International Cocoa Council, at its special session held from 6 – 8 July 2021, extended the duration of the seventh International Cocoa Agreement by two years to 30 September 2024. The Agreement, which became operational…

May 2021 Monthly Cocoa Market Report

Abidjan, 23 June 2021 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for June 2021. The current report highlights the following insights: Prices of the nearby cocoa futures contract on the London and New York…

Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics – November 2018

Nigeria joins the International Cocoa Agreement 2010

ICCO appoints Mr Michel Arrion as Executive Director of the Organization

August 2018 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics – Rev.1

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2017

Interactivity rules for the 1,500 attendees at WCC Berlin

May 2018 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics

Berlin Declaration of the Fourth World Cocoa Conference