
Cocoa Market Report for February 2022
Abidjan, 18 March 2022 - The International Cocoa Organization releases the Cocoa Market Report for February 2022. The current report highlights the following insights:
The importation of cocoa beans and cocoa semi-finished products to Ukraine…

ICCO Secures Funding from the WTO and EU to Address Cadmium Contamination in Cocoa Beans
Abidjan, 18 March 2022. The International Cocoa Organization is pleased to announce the commencement of the implementation of the project on “Improving capacity building and knowledge sharing to support management of cadmium levels in cocoa…

Abidjan, 11 March 2022. Vacancy notice - Economist
Title: Economist
Category/ Grade: Internationally recruited staff, P1/P2 on the UN salary scale
Duty station: Abidjan
Type of contract: Fixed Term (5 years with 6-month probationary…

February 2022 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
Abidjan, 28 February 2022 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases its first forecasts for the 2021/22 cocoa year and revised estimates of world production, grindings, and stocks of cocoa beans for 2020/21 cocoa year. The data…

International Symposium on Cocoa Research ISCR 2022 in December 2022
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 16 February 2022. The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) in partnership with the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) is pleased to announce that the second edition of the…

Cocoa Market Report for January 2022
Abidjan, 11 February 2022 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for January 2022. The current report highlights the following insights:
Grindings data published by the main regional cocoa associations…

World cocoa bean stocks for the 2020/21 season
Abidjan, 27 January 2022. The ICCO Expert Working Group on Stocks (EWGS) met today, Thursday 27 January 2022 to review the level of world cocoa bean stocks. The EWGS is composed of experts in the cocoa field who meet once a year, at the invitation…

Cocoa Market Report for December 2021
Abidjan, 24 January 2022 - The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for December 2021. The current report highlights the following insights:
Arrivals and purchases of cocoa beans from the two-top producing…
2nd International Symposium on Cocoa Research ISCR 2021
Revision of Annex “C” of the International Cocoa Agreement (ICA), 2010
Call for Expressions of Interest for the appointment of an external auditing firm
November 2020 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
International Cocoa Council and Subsidiary Bodies, 27 September – 01 October 2021, Abidjan, Videoconference
ICCO publishes the newest World Cocoa Directory in printed edition
August 2020 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
May 2020 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
5th Edition of the World Cocoa Conference in Bali, Indonesia, postponed to 2021
February 2020 Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics