International Cocoa Council and subsidiary bodies, 18-22 March 2013, Bali, Indonesia
The International Cocoa Council and subsidiary bodies, including the new Economics and Administration and Finance Committees, created under the terms of the 2010 International Cocoa Agreement , will meet in Bali, Indonesia 18 – 22 March 2013.
Members planning to attend the meetings in Bali should see details of the logistical arrangements, including reservations at the the venue hotel, in the document [media-downloader media_id=”4634″ texts=”ED(MEM) 949.”]
Those in producing member nations wishing to obtain Indonesian visas should consult [media-downloader media_id=”4634″ texts=”the list of embassies and consulates here.”]
Details of the venue and accommodation at the [media-downloader media_id=”3022″ texts=”Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel can be downloaded here”]. Rooms at the adjacent [media-downloader media_id=”4646″ texts=”Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel can be downloaded here”] can be reserved by completing the form and emailing it to the hotel.
Provisional Timetable of Meetings, 18-22 March 2013, Bali, Indonesia
ED(MEM) 948-Rev.1
[media-downloader media_id=”4648″ texts=”English”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4637″ texts=”French “] | [media-downloader media_id=”4652″ texts=”Spanish”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4650″ texts=”Russian”] |
International Cocoa Council: Draft Agenda
[media-downloader media_id=”4644″ texts=”English”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4643″ texts=”French”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4641″ texts=”Spanish”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4638″ texts=”Russian”] |
Administration and Finance Committee: Draft Agenda
[media-downloader media_id=”4620″ texts=”English”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4624″ texts=”French”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4625″ texts=”Spanish”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4619″ texts=”Russian”] |
Economics Committee: Draft Agenda
[media-downloader media_id=”4628″ texts=”English”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4629″ texts=”French”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4630″ texts=”Spanish”] | [media-downloader media_id=”4627″ texts=”Russian”] |
The next meeting of the Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy, and the second meeting of the Expert Working Group on Food Safety, Cocoa Productivity and Quality are now scheduled to be held in London, 28-29 May, 2013.
The next meeting of the Ad Hoc Panel on Fine/Flavour Cocoa is scheduled for 30 May 2013 in London.