Implementation of the Recommendations of the First and Second Roundtables on a Sustainable Cocoa Economy
The Executive Director a.i. presents his compliments and has the honour to refer to the decision taken by the International Cocoa Council during its 83rd regular session in March 2011 related to document ED(MEM) 923/Rev.1 concerning the implementation of the recommendations of the First and Second Roundtables on a Sustainable Cocoa Economy (RSCE1 and RSCE2).
Members and Observers who have not yet responded are kindly requested to consult as appropriate with the relevant agencies and institutions in their countries in providing information to the Secretariat on the activities and initiatives underway pursuant to the above-mentioned recommendations and to complete and return the questionnaires to the Secretariat at the earliest opportunity. In this connection, it is noted that the European Union has undertaken to reply to the Secretariat on behalf of its Member States. The Secretariat would also welcome any other feedback or comments that Members and Observers may wish to make (with or without a completed questionnaire) related to the two Roundtables.
The information provided within the questionnaires and replies will be presented in document ICC/83/6/Rev.1, for consideration by the Council at its 84th regular session in September 2011.
The questionnaires, the “Accra Agenda”, the “Declaration of Trinidad and Tobago” and document ICC/80/7 on the “Implementation of the Recommendations of the First and Second Roundtable Meetings for a Sustainable Cocoa Economy” were attached with ED(MEM) 923 and ED(MEM) 923/Rev.1. To save paper and costs, these documents are not being re-circulated. [media-downloader media_id=”4140″ texts=” They are available to download here.”]