Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
The Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics provides reliable data and up-to-date analysis on the cocoa economy from 1960 onwards covering most cocoa producing and importing countries.
It is published in February, May, August and November, and contains the following:
- Review and developments in the world cocoa market
- Charts on cocoa bean production, grindings, stocks and prices of cocoa beans
- World production and grindings of cocoa beans by region and country
- ICCO composite cocoa bean prices in SDRs and US dollars
- Cocoa bean prices on the London and New York futures markets
- Trade in cocoa beans, cocoa products and chocolate by country of origin and destination of exports for major importing and exporting countries
Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics
To subscribe to our Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, go to our ONLINE SHOP or download this order form, complete and return it by email or fax.
If you need further information, please write to Elizabeth Gyamfi at the ICCO (statistics.section@icco.org).