Conference on Cocoa Market Outlook set for September in London
The ICCO has announced a one-day Conference looking in depth at the cocoa market situation and prospects for the future, to take place Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Wembley, London.
The Cocoa Market Outlook Conference, which will include presentations from leading experts and analysts in the trade and industry, is aimed at relevant government officials, corporate executives and members of civil society, as well as any other stakeholders in the cocoa value chain with an interest in the current characteristics and future developments in cocoa supply and demand.
A stand-alone event, the Conference will take place during the September meetings of the International Cocoa Council and its subsidiary bodies, and will likely be attended by many delegate representatives of ICCO member countries. However, the Conference itself is available to any interested participant who registers for it.
[media-downloader media_id=”4408″ texts=”Click here to download the latest Conference brochure, including the draft programme, list of speakers and a registration form.”]
[media-downloader media_id=”4387″ texts=”More details on the subject areas to be discussed and the arrangements for the Conference are available to download here.”]
[media-downloader media_id=”4403″ texts=”Download the details of discounted accommodation arranged for delegates to the Conference.”]