The Regional Workshop for the ICCO SPS Cocoa Project in Africa took place 7 – 10 June 2011, in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

The Workshop was held at Hotel Mont Fébé in Yaoundé, and was hosted by the government of Cameroon.

Click here for more details of the Workshop and of the SPS Cocoa Project in Africa, available from the SPS section of the website.

The International Cocoa Council and subsidiary bodies, including the Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy, will meet 20 – 23 September, 2011.

At a Press Conference held on 25 March, 2011 and attended by the Chairman of the International Cocoa Council and the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Dr. Jean-Marc Anga, Executive Director a.i., reported on several of the topics reviewed by delegates at the March 2011 meetings.

Please click here to download the full Press Statement.

Presentations made at the ICCO meetings of March 2011:

icon African Capacity Building Foundation (ABCF) (Word document)

icon United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (PowerPoint presentation)

International Cocoa Awards (PDF presentation)

The International Workshop on the Safe Use of Pesticides in Cocoa and Harmonized Legislation for Food Safety was held at the Renaissance Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 25-27 January, 2011 with generous sponsorship provided by the Malaysian Cocoa Board, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture, and Innovation of the Netherlands and the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative.

The Workshop was jointly organized by the ICCO and the Malaysian Cocoa Board. The overall objective of the Workshop was to promote the safe use of pesticides throughout the cocoa value chain and to enhance the process of harmonization of legislation and regulations on pesticide residues in cocoa and related products, including standardization of analytical methods on pesticide residues.

The International Workshop brought together more than 200 participants from 18 countries spanning the five continents of the world. They included representatives from cocoa producers, traders, exporters, processors, chocolate manufacturers, chemical manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research institutions and universities. The workshop was conducted over three days with 15 presentations in four focus areas, each followed by a Question and Answer session and by panel discussions. The four focus areas were: legislation for food safety and analytical methods; the safe use of pesticides; alternatives to pesticides; and perspectives on pesticide legislation from key stakeholders. On the final day, following active deliberations between the audience and the prominent experts serving on the Panel, the Workshop adopted a list of final recommendations.

Please see the attached PDF document for further details.


Please use the following link to view the recent TV Interview given by Dr. Jean-Marc Anga, Executive Director a.i. to Thomson Reuters.

TV Interview given by Dr. Jean-Marc Anga. (External Link)

The Executive Director is pleased to announce that Switzerland joined the International Cocoa Agreement, 2010 on 22 December 2010 and that Sierra Leone joined the International Cocoa Agreement, 2001 on 4 October 2010.

The outgoing Executive Director of the International Cocoa Organization, Dr. Jan Vingerhoets (the Netherlands) has the pleasure to announce that, as from 1 October 2010, he will be succeeded by Dr. Jean-Marc Anga.

angaDr. Anga was appointed by the International Cocoa Council at its 81st regular session in March 2010 to serve as Acting Executive Director of the ICCO for a period of two years, pending the entry into force of the new International Cocoa Agreement on 1 October 2012.  The post of Executive Director of the ICCO holds the rank of Under-Secretary General of the United Nations.

A national of Côte d’Ivoire, Dr. Anga has worked for the ICCO for almost fifteen years.  During the last five years, he served as Director of the Economics and Statistics Division.  His biography is attached herewith.

For further information, please contact Ms. Sarah Sharp, Executive Secretariat Officer (


Le Directeur exécutif sortant de l’Organisation internationale du cacao, M. Jan Vingerhoets (Pays-Bas), a l’honneur d’annoncer la prise de fonctions de son successeur, M. Jean-Marc Anga, à partir du 1er octobre 2010.

M. Anga a été désigné par le Conseil international du cacao à sa 81ème session ordinaire, en mars 2010, pour occuper les fonctions de Directeur exécutif intérimaire de l’ICCO durant une période de deux ans, jusqu’à l’entrée en vigueur du nouvel Accord international sur le cacao au 1er octobre 2012.  Le poste de Directeur exécutif de l’ICCO a le rang de Secrétaire général adjoint des Nations Unies.

M. Anga, de nationalité ivoirienne, travaille à l’ICCO depuis près de 15 ans et occupait depuis cinq ans le poste de Directeur de la Division économique et des statistiques. Sa biographie est jointe au présent communiqué.

Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez contacter Mme Sarah Sharp, Secrétaire exécutive (


El Director Ejecutivo saliente de la Organización Internacional del Cacao, Dr. Jan Vingerhoets (Países Bajos) tiene el honor de anunciar que, a partir del 1 de octubre de 2010, su sucesor en el cargo será el Dr. Jean-Marc Anga.

El Dr. Anga fue nombrado por el Consejo Internacional del Cacao en su 81ª reunión ordinaria, celebrada en marzo de 2010, como Director Ejecutivo en Funciones de la ICCO por un período de dos  años, hasta la entrada en vigor del nuevo Convenio Internacional del Cacao el 1 de octubre de 2012.  El puesto de Director Ejecutivo de la ICCO tiene rango de Subsecretario General de las Naciones Unidas.

El Dr. Anga, de Côte d’Ivoire, lleva casi quince años trabajando para la ICCO.  Durante los últimos cinco años, ocupó el cargo de Director de la División de Economía y Estadística.  Se adjunta su biografía.

Para más información, ponerse en contacto con la Srta. Sarah Sharp, Oficial Ejecutiva de Secretaría (

The meetings will take place at Bloomsbury House, 2-3 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2RL. ….Details of hotels for which the ICCO has corporate rates are attached together with a location map for Bloomsbury House.

The 82nd regular session of the International Cocoa Council, the 142nd meeting of the Executive Committee and the 22nd meeting of the Consultative Board will take place in London. Agendas and Timetable to follow.

ED(mem)918 Timetable
English French Spanish Russian




ICC/82/1/Rev.1 Agenda
English  French  Spanish  Russian




EX/142/1/Rev.1 Agenda
 English  French  Spanish  Russian




CB/22/1/Rev.1 Agenda
 English  French  Spanish  Russian

Live TV Interview by Dr. Jan Vingerhoets, Executive Director to Thomson Reuters.





A three-day workshop on the outcome of the Pilot Project on Price Risk Management for Cocoa Farmers in Côte d’Ivoire was held from 11-13 May 2010 at the Hotel Ivotel in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

Funded by the Common Fund for Commodities, the Workshop was organized by the International Cocoa Organization in co-operation with the Comité de Gestion de la Filière Café-Cacao and COFORMEX SARL in Abidjan.

The main objectives of the workshop were to discuss the results of the Pilot Project on Price Risk Management for Cocoa Farmers implemented in Côte d’Ivoire between February 2006 and March 2008, to draw the relevant policy implications and to consider the potential for extending the project to Cameroon and Nigeria, two countries that, in common with Côte d’Ivoire, had liberalized their cocoa sectors.

The workshop attracted approximately 100 participants, with representation from the Common Fund for Commodities, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the International Cocoa Organization, private consultants, organizations based in France, South Africa, the Russian Federation and Ghana as well as experts from cocoa co-operatives from Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Togo.

His Excellency Mr. Calice YAPO YAPO, Minister of Commerce of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, was the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony of the workshop, while his counterpart, the Minister of Agriculture, was represented at the closing ceremony of the workshop by his Chief of Staff.

Day 1 of the workshop was dedicated to a review of the implementation of the pilot project, its constraints, results and lessons. Full debate took place among the representatives of local cocoa co-operatives involved in the project and other experts on issues related to training and capacity building in price risk management as well as on technical aspects of the project.

On Day 2, presentations were made by the representatives of the CFC, UNCTAD and other invited speakers on the causes, effects and implications of cocoa price volatility for governments and farmers as well as on the market instruments available to tackle it. Representatives of the cocoa sectors in Cameroon and Nigeria also provided insight on their countries’ problems in trying to address cocoa price fluctuations and the instability of farmers’ incomes. This was followed by an in-depth discussion of the issues concerned by the participants.

The workshop concluded on Day 3 with a field trip for all participants to some cocoa farms and warehouses located outside Abidjan.

The outcome of the Workshop was agreement among the participants on a number of important issues:

  • Firstly, that liberalization of the cocoa and coffee sectors had been implemented without the required necessary preparation, leaving both governments and farmers in cocoa producing countries with insufficient tools to manage the (often excessive and damaging) fluctuations of cocoa prices at international level. Hence a solid capacity-building programme would be required to explain to the relevant stakeholders, in particular to farmers’ representatives and government officials, that instruments exist to assist them to cope better with price fluctuations and the resulting instability of their revenues from exports;
  • Secondly, that governments should create the appropriate institutional, legal and policy framework to make price risk management tools accessible to cocoa farmers through strong and viable co-operatives; and
  • Finally, it was recommended for the governments in cocoa producing countries to consider embracing price risk management as one of an array of options available to them to alleviate the negative effects of the prevailing high levels of instability of world market prices.

icon French version – Press release on Workshop on price risk management in CIV 20.5.10.doc