London, 15 May 2013—Amsterdam, the base for some of the world’s largest processors and traders of cocoa and its products, will be the location for the second edition of the ICCO’s World Cocoa Conference, scheduled to take place 9 – 13 June, 2014.

Besides bringing together key stakeholders in the world’s cocoa value chain, including governments, trade and industry, producers and civil society, to discuss the major issues of the day in the cocoa sector, the second edition of the World Cocoa Conference will review the implementation of the Global Cocoa Agenda adopted at the first edition of the event in Abidjan in November 2012. The Global Cocoa Agenda provides a roadmap for the future of the world’s cocoa sector, including concrete actions to be taken by a wide range of stakeholders to create a sustainable and equitable value chain for all involved in it. The Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, adopted at the same event, has now recorded 34 signatures from key stakeholders across the cocoa sector.

Reviewing the progress achieved along the path to cocoa sustainability will be just one of the many issues to be addressed at the Second World Cocoa Conference in Amsterdam, and as with the previous event, the growers, trade and industry, and civil society will be represented both as participants and presenters.

As at the first World Cocoa Conference, which attracted well over 1,200 participants, the Amsterdam edition will feature presentations, workshops and panel discussions involving the most senior and best informed experts of the cocoa community, making it a valuable forum for anyone in the cocoa business.

The Second World Cocoa Conference is being held for the first time in a cocoa-importing country, in Amsterdam, the hub of the cocoa trade in Europe, at the kind invitation of the Government of the Netherlands.  It will also include a trade exhibition, a gala banquet and a number of ancillary events aimed at bringing cocoa stakeholders together, and making the Conference a major networking opportunity.

More details about the World Cocoa Conference Amsterdam, including information about the venue, programme, sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities and registration, are available here.

Images by Geert Snoeijer, Amsterdam Marketing

LONDON, 14 May 2013–The International Cocoa Organization is to run an International Seminar on Terminal Markets and Econometric Modelling of the Cocoa Market at the Sheraton Guayaquil Hotel in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 15 – 19 July 2013, the ICCO announced today.

Organized in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries of Ecuador, the week-long Seminar aims to give policy makers and other stakeholders in the cocoa sector, particularly from the Latin American and Caribbean regions, an improved understanding of the functioning of cocoa terminal markets and the enhanced ability to use econometric models to forecast market developments.

Terminal markets, also called futures markets, play a vital role in the world cocoa economy. They allow those in the trade and industry to manage their price risk, provide valuable information on storage decisions, and collect and disseminate information on world prices.  In addition to examining in detail the functioning of these markets and recent regulatory changes, the participants will review, among other subjects, the impact of speculative trading on cocoa futures prices and volatility, and price transmission between the futures markets and the physical markets at origin.

Because of the specific nature of cocoa growing, investment / disinvestment decisions in cocoa production capacity takes several years to show their full impact. The lack of adequate forecasting and / or the capacity to conduct it has been a major factor leading the cocoa sector to experience periods of boom and bust, with cocoa prices swinging between less than US$1,000 per tonne in the year 2000 to over US$18,000 in the year 1977 (in 2012 price terms). The techniques involved ineconometric modelling can be used to forecast market development and to help stakeholders, from cocoa and chocolate companies’ market analysts to policy makers, to take informed decisions regarding investment in the cocoa business and thereby, optimize their rate of returns.

The two modules of the Seminar are scheduled to run back-to-back throughout the five days. The module on terminal markets is appropriate for those with an economic or financial background. Meanwhile, quantitative economists, econometricians and statisticians make up the target group for the module on econometric modelling. However, parties with the relevant background or knowledge can participate in either or both modules.

ICCO staff and international experts with an in-depth knowledge of the subjects will deliver the Seminar training. The Seminar follows up on a number of studies on cocoa price determination and the functioning of the cocoa markets published by the Organization’s staff in recent years, and the ICCO also has built a sophisticated econometric model on the world cocoa economy and publishes regular forecasts on cocoa supply and demand based on it. Both module topics already have been the subject of well received seminars held at the ICCO headquarters in London.

The Seminar will be held in Ecuador’s cocoa trading centre of Guayaquil, at the kind invitation of the Government.

More details, including a full programme and a description of the subjects to be covered at the Seminar, are available by downloading the official announcement of the event here. Also included are details of the discounted accommodation rate available for attendees at the venue, the Sheraton Guayaquil Hotel.

Para mayores detalles, incluido el programa completo del Seminario y la descripción de los temas a ser tratador durante el evento, pueden descargar aquí el anuncio oficial. En dicho anuncio también encontrarán los precios preferenciales para los asistentes del evento, que se llevará a cabo en el Hotel Sheraton de Guayaquil.

LONDON, 10 May 2013—US-based Hershey, one of the world’s largest chocolate makers has signed the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, bringing the total number of cocoa stakeholder signatories to 34, the ICCO announced today.

Vice President Global Commodities Frank G. Day signed the ground-breaking Declaration in late February on behalf of The Hershey Company, which has headquarters in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The company­­­­the largest producer of chocolate in North Americahas about 14,000 employees and annual revenues of over $6 billion. Hershey’s sustainability projects include a $10 million investment in West African origins over the next five years, with activities such as expanding its programmes to improve cocoa communities and to further develop farmer outreach.

Hershey is one of the Declaration’s latest stakeholder signatories, which range from cocoa growers through their governments to civil society and most of the world’s largest manufacturers of chocolate. The international stakeholders began signing the Declaration at a special ceremony during the first World Cocoa Conference in Abidjan in November.

The Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, which recommends specific and measurable actions to achieve a sustainable cocoa economy, reflects the more detailed proposals of the Global Cocoa Agenda. The important issues highlighted by the Agenda formed the basis of many of the presentations, discussions and panel sessions that took place at the World Cocoa Conference.

The Declaration is the first step in an ongoing process aimed at creating a sustainable future for the cocoa sector and helping to ensure that its benefits are shared along the entire chain, starting with the growers. Another World Cocoa Conference, planned for 2014 in Amsterdam, is to monitor and review the progress being made to deal with the issues outlined by the Declaration and the Agenda.

The texts of both the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration and the Global Cocoa Agenda, as well as most of the presentations that were delivered at the World Cocoa Conference, can be downloaded here.

The other signatories to the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration are: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Togo, Papua New Guinea, Mars, Mondelēz International, Nestlé, Blommer Chocolate, CEMOI, Ferrero Trading, Armajaro Trading Ltd, ADM, Barry Callebaut, Cargill, Petra Foods, Amtrada/Continaf, Noble Group, Olam International / Outspan Ivoire, Touton, Transmar Group, Federation of Cocoa Commerce, CAOBISCO, World Cocoa Foundation, IDH (Dutch Sustainable Agriculture Initiative), ECA (European Cocoa Association), ACP (The Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States), Talents (farmer), ICI (International Cocoa Initiative) and HCCO (Hamburg Cocoa & Commodity Office GmbH).

The Declaration remains open, and all cocoa stakeholders are urged to sign it.

Pictured: Hershey’s Vice President Global Commodities Frank G. Day signs the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration.

London, 1 May 2013–Arrangements for the ICCO’s International Workshop on Cocoa Certification, scheduled for 24 – 27 June in Yaoundé, Cameroon are well advanced, with a strong speaker list from across the grower sector, the trade and industry set to discuss the controversial topic in all its aspects, the ICCO announced today.

Cocoa certification has been at the centre of intense debate in the international cocoa community ever since the subject was first introduced. From its initial perception as a niche market only five years ago, the share of Organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ certified cocoa has surged to well over 10% of the market currently.  The cocoa and chocolate industry is under increasing pressure to demonstrate to consumers that the raw materials used in the manufacture chocolate comply with specific ethical and sustainability requirements.

This challenge is further exacerbated by the fact that certification is often perceived as a consumer-driven process, leading to doubts among many cocoa producers and their governments in relation to its benefits as far as they are concerned. In particular, an ICCO study in 2012 showed that the net direct monetary benefits may be rather limited in the short to medium term.  In addition, the co-existence of multiple standards in the sector has led to confusion among the parties involved in the various cocoa producing countries.

Dr Jean-Marc Anga, Executive Director of the ICCO, stated that “With Mars, Ferrero and Hershey committing to source 100% of their cocoa by 2020 as certified and with Nestlé and Mondelēz also making strong commitments in this respect, this represents a considerable challenge for the whole industry, as these five leading companies represent about 40% of global cocoa usage.  Most importantly, while certification as it is may help, getting cocoa farmers to trade their way out of poverty has to be the priority and a pre-condition for cocoa to be sustainable. Given the complexity of the cocoa value chain, all key stakeholders have to work together with this objective!”

In view of this, the Workshop, organized in collaboration with United Nations Forum on Sustainable Standards (UNFSS), aims to bring together all stakeholders involved in cocoa certification, with the aim of building consensus on the best ways to supplement and improve upon existing certification schemes, for the benefit of cocoa farmers–a necessary condition for the long-term viability of this process.

Participants will also benefit from the experience gathered from other commodities and other fora on this matter, in particular through the collaboration with the UNFSS, which was set up to discuss developing country concerns on private sustainability standards: pooling resources, synchronizing efforts and assuring policy coherence, coordination and collaboration among UN agencies the FAO, ITC, UNCTAD, UNEP and UNIDO.

The ICCO International Workshop on Cocoa Certification is to be based at the Hotel Mont-Fébé in Yaoundé, Cameroon, 24 -27 June. Details of the programme, as well as a registration form, hotel, travel and visa information are available by clicking here.

LONDON, 24 April 2013—International trader and processor Transmar Group on 15 April became latest cocoa stakeholder to sign the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, joining well over 30 other organizations in support of the recommendations that arose out of the  World Cocoa Conference in Abidjan last November.

Transmar Group President Peter G. Johnson signed the Declaration on behalf of the family-owned company, founded in the US in 1980 as a trading house. Transmar has since expanded into an integrated service provider with processing factories in Europe, Latin America and North America, as well as sales offices and representation globally. The group has been steadily increasing its commitment to promoting sustainable farming practices through industry initiatives and privately managed partnerships in Ecuador, Sierra Leone and Tanzania among other places.

Transmar joins some of the most important cocoa sector stakeholders, ranging from cocoa growers through their governments to civil society and most of the world’s largest manufacturers of chocolate, who began the signing of the ground-breaking agreement during the World Cocoa Conference.

“The Abidjan Cocoa Declaration demonstrates the Industry’s commitment to join forces and recognize that we have a responsibility that includes the economic, environmental and social aspects, and which starts with the cocoa farmer in origin and continues all the way to the consumption of the final chocolate product,” Transmar President Peter G Johnson said. “We are therefore happy to stand alongside other Cocoa Industry members and sign the Declaration. The Industry has a responsibility collectively, just like we as individual companies have a responsibility, to do our best to cultivate a more sustainable supply chain.”

The Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, which recommends specific and measurable actions to achieve a sustainable cocoa economy, reflects the more detailed proposals of the Global Cocoa Agenda. The important issues highlighted by the Agenda formed the basis of many of the presentations, discussions and panel sessions that took place at the World Cocoa Conference.

The Declaration is the first step in an ongoing process aimed at creating a sustainable future for the cocoa sector and helping to ensure that its benefits are shared along the entire chain, starting with the growers. Another World Cocoa Conference, planned for 2014 in the Netherlands, is to monitor and review the progress being made to deal with the issues outlined by the Declaration and the Agenda.

The texts of both the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration and the Global Cocoa Agenda, as well as most of the presentations that were delivered at the World Cocoa Conference, can be downloaded here.

The other signatories to the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration are: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Togo, Papua New Guinea, Mars, Mondelez International, Nestlé, Blommer Chocolate, CEMOI, Ferrero Trading, Armajaro Trading Ltd, ADM, Barry Callebaut, Cargill, Petra Foods, Amtrada/Continaf, Noble Group, Olam International / Outspan Ivoire, Touton, Federation of Cocoa Commerce, CAOBISCO, World Cocoa Foundation, IDH (Dutch Sustainable Agriculture Initiative), ECA (European Cocoa Association), ACP (The Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States), Talents (farmer), ICI (International Cocoa Initiative) and HCCO (Hamburg Cocoa & Commodity Office GmbH).

The Declaration remains open, and all cocoa stakeholder organizations are urged to sign it.

LONDON, 25 March 2013–The ICCO’s Integrated Management of Pests and Pathogens project, announced in February, is to hold its inception workshop at the Oak Plaza Hotel in Accra, Ghana, 15 – 18 April.

The project, organized in conjunction with the Ghana Cocoa Board and the Common Fund for Commodities, is being supported by two of the world’s largest chocolate makers, Mars and Mondelez International, as well as the European Cocoa Association.

The US$3.2 million project aims to tackle the cocoa pests and diseases that are the main challenges to sustainable cocoa economy.

The four-day workshop is free of charge, and open to all interested parties. Pre-registration is not required.

Full details of the background to the meeting and the draft programme are available here: Pests and Pathogens Workshop April 2013 Accra–Background and Programme

Click here to see the initial news report on the project, with more details.

21 March 2013, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia–The International Cocoa Organization is to organize an International Workshop on Cocoa Certification in Douala, Cameroon, 24 – 27 June 2013, the ICCO announced today.

The Workshop, to be organized in conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce of Cameroon and the Office National du Café et du Cacao, and supported by the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative IDH, aims to bring together all stakeholders to build consensus on certification and improve on existing certification schemes.

Schemes including Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Utz and organic currently hold about 15% of the world cocoa market, but there is still great uncertainty as to whether certification provides a clear benefit to cocoa farmers. Following on from an ICCO-commissioned study on cocoa certification that was published in 2012, the Workshop intends to give both sides of the certification argument the chance to put their cases and to find ways to narrow the differences between them.

The recommendations from the Workshop will form the basis for implementing certification so that it yields an improvement in the livelihoods of cocoa farmers.

The Workshop is directed at farmers, cooperative members, key officials from relevant government departments of producing and consuming countries, executives from chocolate and cocoa companies, and representatives from certification bodies, civil society and research organizations.

NB: Please note the venue change! The Workshop will now take place in the Hotel Sawa in Douala

More details, including the subjects likely to be discussed at the Workshop, are available by downloading the official announcement of the Workshop here.

[media-downloader media_id=”1701″ texts=”Download: Study on the costs, advantages and disadvantages of cocoa certification–October 2012″]

[media-downloader media_id=”1702″ texts=”Download: Étude sur les coûts, les avantages et les désavantages de la certification du cacao — Octobre 2012″]

Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, 18 March 2012—Indonesia, the third largest cocoa producer in the world, today became the latest cocoa stakeholder to sign the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, the ICCO said.

Indonesian Agriculture Minister Dr H Suswono used the occasion of the 87th meetings of the International Cocoa Council, to sign the Declaration, making Indonesia the 32nd stakeholder to do so. The Council and subsidiary body meetings are being hosted this week in Bali by the government of Indonesia.

Indonesia joins stakeholders ranging from cocoa growers through their governments to civil society and most of the world’s largest manufacturers of chocolate, all of whom began the signing of the ground-breaking agreement at a special ceremony during the World Cocoa Conference in Abidjan in November. The Declaration remains open to allow more cocoa stakeholder organizations to sign it.

The Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, which recommends specific and measurable actions to achieve a sustainable cocoa economy, reflects the more detailed proposals of the Global Cocoa Agenda. The important issues highlighted by the Agenda formed the basis of many of the presentations, discussions and panel sessions that took place at the World Cocoa Conference.

The Declaration is to be the first step in an ongoing process aimed at creating a sustainable future for the cocoa sector and helping to ensure that its benefits are shared along the entire chain, starting with the growers. Another World Cocoa Conference is planned in 2014 to monitor and review the progress made dealing with the issues outlined by the Declaration and the Agenda.

The texts of both the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration and the Global Cocoa Agenda, as well as most of the presentations that were delivered at the World Cocoa Conference, can be downloaded here.

The previous signatories to the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration were: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Togo, Papua New Guinea, Mars, Mondelez International, Nestlé, Petra Foods, Armajaro Trading Ltd, Barry Callebaut, Cargill, Ferrero Trading, Federation of Cocoa Commerce, Touton, ADM, CAOBISCO, World Cocoa Foundation, IDH (Dutch Sustainable Agriculture Initiative), ECA (European Cocoa Association), Olam International / Outspan Ivoire, ACP (The Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States), Talents (farmer), Amtrada/Continaf, CEMOI, ICI (International Cocoa Initiative), HCCO (Hamburg Cocoa & Commodity Office GmbH), Noble Group and Blommer Chocolate.

28 February 2013–The International Cocoa Organization today released its first forecasts for the 2012/2013 cocoa year and revised estimates of world production, grindings and stocks of cocoa beans for 2011/2012, summarized below. The data published in Issue No. 1 – Volume XXXIX – Cocoa year 2012/2013 of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics reflect the most recent information available to the Secretariat as at the middle of February 2013.

Summary of forecasts and revised estimates


Cocoa year
2011/2012 2012/2013 Year-on-year change
Previous estimatesa/ Revised estimates Forecasts
(thousand tonnes) (Per cent)
World production 4 052 4 075 4 003 – 72 – 1.8%
World grindings 3 921 3 948 4 008 + 60 + 1.5%
Surplus/deficit b/ + 90 + 86 – 45
End-of-season stocks 1 864 1 838 1 793 – 45 – 2.4%
Stocks/Grindings ratio 47.5% 46.6% 44.7%


a/   Estimates published in Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, Vol. XXXVIII – No. 4 – Cocoa year 2011/2012
b/   Surplus/deficit: current net world crop (gross crop adjusted for loss in weight) minus grindings

Totals and differences may differ due to rounding.

This issue of the Bulletin contains the Secretariat’s first forecasts for the 2012/2013 cocoa year, as well as data for the past four years of production and grindings of cocoa beans, detailed by country. The main features of the global cocoa market are illustrated in colour charts. In addition, the Bulletin includes comments on crop and demand prospects in the leading countries for the current season, and a review of price developments on international markets for cocoa beans during the October-December quarter of 2012.

Statistical information on trade in cocoa beans, cocoa products and chocolate, by country and by region, published in this edition, covers annual data from 2008/2009 to 2010/2011 and quarterly statistics for the period October-December 2010 to April-June 2012. Details of origin of imports and destination of exports for leading cocoa importing countries are also provided. Historical statistics on cocoa trade and consumption, by country and by region, for the period 2002/2003 to 2010/2011 are presented for reference.

Copies of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, including in Microsoft Excel files and in Adobe PDF format, can be ordered from the website or from the ICCO Secretariat at the address below:

International Cocoa Organization
Commonwealth House
1-19 New Oxford Street
London WC1A 1NU, UK

Tel:              +44 (0)20 7400 5050
Fax:             +44 (0)20 7421 5500
E-mail: or

LONDON, 22 February 2013—Blommer Chocolate Company, the largest cocoa processor and ingredient chocolate supplier in North America, has become the latest cocoa stakeholder to sign the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, the ICCO revealed today.

President and Chief Operating Officer Peter Blommer signed the Declaration on 20 February on behalf of the Chicago-based family-owned company, which was founded in 1939, and has four North American plants, employing 650. Blommer’s activities aimed at advancing its cocoa sustainability agenda include privately managed programmes promoting sustainable farming in Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador and Indonesia.

Blommer joins 30 other cocoa sector stakeholders–ranging from cocoa growers through their governments to civil society and most of the world’s largest manufacturers of chocolate–who began the signing of the ground-breaking agreement at a special ceremony during the World Cocoa Conference in Abidjan in November. The Declaration remains open to allow more cocoa stakeholder organizations to sign it.

The Abidjan Cocoa Declaration, which recommends specific and measurable actions to achieve a sustainable cocoa economy, reflects the more detailed proposals of the Global Cocoa Agenda. The important issues highlighted by the Agenda formed the basis of many of the presentations, discussions and panel sessions that took place at the World Cocoa Conference.

The Declaration is to be the first step in an ongoing process aimed at creating a sustainable future for the cocoa sector and helping to ensure that its benefits are shared along the entire chain, starting with the growers. Another World Cocoa Conference is planned in 2014 to monitor and review the progress made dealing with the issues outlined by the Declaration and the Agenda.

The texts of both the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration and the Global Cocoa Agenda, as well as most of the presentations that were delivered at the World Cocoa Conference, can be downloaded here.

The previous signatories to the Abidjan Cocoa Declaration were: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Togo, Papua New Guinea, Mars, Mondelez International, Nestlé, Petra Foods, Armajaro Trading Ltd, Barry Callebaut, Cargill, Ferrero Trading, Federation of Cocoa Commerce, Touton, ADM, CAOBISCO, World Cocoa Foundation, IDH (Dutch Sustainable Agriculture Initiative), ECA (European Cocoa Association), Olam International / Outspan Ivoire, ACP (The Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States), Talents (farmer), Amtrada/Continaf, CEMOI, ICI (International Cocoa Initiative), HCCO (Hamburg Cocoa & Commodity Office GmbH) and Noble Group.