Abidjan, 19 May 2021 – The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for April 2021. The current report highlights the following key facts:

  • Compared to the beginning of the 2020/21 cocoa year, prices of the front-month cocoa futures contract on the London and New York markets waned by 4% and 7% respectively as at end of April 2021.
  • Exchange certified stocks increased by 22% in Europe while a 13% rise was recorded in certified stocks in the United States, due to April grading operations.
  • Origin differentials started to fall again following their short-lived improvement observed during the preceding month.
  • Cocoa production levels in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana remained higher than in the previous cocoa year.
  • Unlike in Europe, grindings data for the first quarter of 2021 showed a year-on-year increase in North America and
    Southeast Asia.

You can download the complete report from our Statistics section


Abidjan, 15 April 2021 – The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for March 2021. The current report highlights the following key facts:

  • Front-month cocoa contract prices in London and New York plunged by 13% and 14% respectively.
  • European certified stocks increased by 21% while a 31% rise was recorded in certified stocks in the United States, thanks to gradings that occurred during March on the Exchange.
  • Over 52,000 tonnes of cocoa beans were tendered against the March 2021 contract in Europe.
  • Origin differentials showed signs of halting from pronounced drops on both sides of the Atlantic.
  • 2020/21 crop sizes of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana are currently higher year-on-year.

You can download the complete report from our Statistics section


Abidjan, 18 March 2021 – The International Cocoa Organization today releases the Cocoa Market Report for February 2021. The current report contains:

  • a review of cocoa futures prices developments,
  • an outline of gradings activities and variations in cocoa beans stocks located in exchange licensed warehouses,
  • trends in origin differentials for selected countries,
  • an assessment of cocoa butter and powder price movements and,
  • a brief on cocoa production and grindings.

You can download the complete report from our Statistics section


Abidjan, 04 March 2021. The ICCO Expert Working Group on Stocks (EWGS) met via videoconference today, Thursday 4 March 2021 to review the level of estimated and identified world cocoa bean stocks as at the end of the 2019/20 cocoa year. The EWGS is composed of experts in the cocoa field who meet at the invitation of the ICCO.

Stocks in cocoa importing countries 1,110 1,107 1,086
Stocks in cocoa exporting countries 215 215 164
Cocoa beans in transit 74 85 70
Total estimated and identified stocks 1,399 1,407 1,320
Estimated and identified stocks as a percentage of statistically-derived stocks 79% 82% 76%
ICCO statistically-derived stocks 1,768 1,720 1,730

Notes:Totals and differences may differ due to rounding.


The EWGS now notes that a gap of 410,000 tonnes exists between the annual assessment of the estimated and identified cocoa bean stocks worldwide and the ICCO’s statistically-derived stocks figure. This is due to the existence of stocks held in non-reporting locations of which Asia is the most significant area.

While the ICCO Secretariat maintains, so far, its supply surplus estimate of 10,000 tonnes for 2019/20 as published in its latest QBCS, it may revise that figure in its next Bulletin due at the end of May 2021, taking into account the outcome of this survey.

For more information, please contact Carlos Follana, Marketing and Communication Coordinator, International Cocoa Organization, ICCO Building, II Plateaux ENA – Avenue Boga Doudou, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; Tel: +225 22 51 49 50/51 | Fax: +225 22 51 49 79 | E-mail: Carlos.Follana@icco.org

Abidjan, 26 February 2021 – The International Cocoa Organization today releases its first forecasts for the 2020/21 cocoa year and revised estimates of world production, grindings, and stocks of cocoa beans for the 2019/20 cocoa year. The data published in Issue No. 1 – Volume XLVII – Cocoa Year 2020/21 of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, reflect the most recent information available to the Secretariat as at the beginning of February 2021.

This issue of the Bulletin contains the Secretariat’s first forecasts for the 2020/21 cocoa year as well as data for the past four years of production and grindings of cocoa beans, detailed by country. The main features of the global market are illustrated in colour charts, maps, and Sankey diagrams. In addition, the Bulletin includes comments on the crop and demand developments in the leading countries, a review of price movements on international markets for cocoa beans during the October-December quarter of 2020 and the evolution of trade flow data estimated for major cocoa exporting and importing countries during the 2019/20 season.

Summary of forecasts and revised estimates


 Cocoa year 


2019/20 2020/21 Year-on-year change
Previous estimates a/ Revised estimates Forecasts
(thousand tonnes) (Per cent)
World gross production 4 697 4 726 4 843 + 117 + 2.5%
World grindings 4 631 4 669 4 693 + 24 + 0.5%
Surplus/deficit   b/ + 19 + 10 + 102
End-of-season stocks 1 741 1 730 1 832 + 102 – 5.9%
Stocks/Grindings ratio 37.6% 37.1% 39.0%

a/ Estimates published in Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, Vol. XLVI – No. 4 – Cocoa year 2019/20
b/   Surplus/deficit: net world crop (gross crop adjusted for loss in weight) minus grindings
Totals may differ due to rounding.

Statistical information on trade in cocoa beans, cocoa products, and chocolate, by country and by region, published in the Annex of this edition, covers annual data from 2017/18 to 2019/20 and quarterly statistics for the period January-March 2019 to July-September 2020. Details of origin of imports and destination of exports for leading cocoa importing countries are also provided. Historical statistics on cocoa trade by country and by region, for the period 2011/12 to 2019/20 are presented for reference.

Copies of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, in Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF formats, can be ordered from the new ICCO e-Shop: www.icco.org/shop or by email: statistics.section@icco.org

Abidjan, 28 January 2021. The ICCO Expert Working Group on Stocks (EWGS) met via videoconference today, Thursday 28 January 2021 to review the level of European cocoa bean stocks as per the ICCO survey. The survey has been conducted every year since 2000 and aims to improve transparency in the cocoa market.

The EWGS is composed of experts in the cocoa field who meet, at the invitation of the ICCO, to review and analyse the results of the ICCO’s annual survey of cocoa bean stocks held in warehouses worldwide. However, due to unavoidable circumstances the Group discussed only the European stocks and will in due course conduct another meeting to assess total worldwide stocks.




30 September 2018


30 September 2019


30 September 2020


Year-on-year change


Total European port-warehouse stocks


786,385 774,651 -11,734 -1.5%

Notes: a/ The estimates of European port-warehouse stocks are based on replies/revised estimates to the latest Secretariat questionnaire as at 21 January 2021.

Results for the survey dated 30 September 2020 as shown in Table 1, depict that European cocoa stocks were 774,651 tonnes as at the end of the 2019/20 cocoa year, representing a reduction of 1.5% (down by 11,734 tonnes) compared with the previous season. Due caution should however be exercised in interpreting these results, as not all warehouse-keepers responded and the same values were considered for two warehouses (holding about 90,000 tonnes of stocks altogether) that did not reply to the survey.



ICCO survey on European port-warehouse stocks

ICE Futures Europe terminal market stocks

ICE Futures Europe stocks as % of ICCO survey (2019/20)



30 September 2019

30 September 2020 30 September 2019 30 September 2020  
TOTAL 786,385 774,651 169,510 156,730


The regular publication of information on terminal market stocks of cocoa by ICE Futures Europe provides an additional check on the accuracy of the ICCO survey results. As seen in Table 2, the percentage of terminal market stocks was reduced by 8% from 169,510 tonnes at the end of the 2018/19 season to 156,730 tonnes for the 2019/20 season. It is worth noting that the ICE Futures Europe stocks represented almost 20% of the overall cocoa stocks of the ICCO European stocks survey as at the end of the 2019/20 cocoa year.

Cocoa stocks published by ICE Futures Europe are generally lower than the volume of cocoa identified by the ICCO survey for two main reasons. Firstly, they represent only part of the cocoa stocks held by warehouse-keepers, as they are restricted to graded cocoa held in ICE Futures Europe nominated warehouses. On the contrary, the ICCO survey endeavours to seek information on all cocoa stocks held by the warehouses, and includes cocoa destined for the terminal market as well as cocoa stocks held by warehouse-keepers for traders, cocoa processors and chocolate manufacturers. The ICCO survey figure also compiles data from a wider geographical area and includes cocoa stored in port warehouses that are outside the ICE Futures Europe designated Delivery Area.

The EWGS would like to note that another meeting will be conveyed to assess the total estimated world stocks of cocoa beans and a press release will be issued in due course.

For more information, please contact Carlos Follana, Marketing and Communication Coordinator, International Cocoa Organization, ICCO Building, II Plateaux ENA – Avenue Boga Doudou, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire; Tel: +225 22 51 49 50/51 | Fax: +225 22 51 49 79 | E-mail: Carlos.Follana@icco.org

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 25 January 2021. The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) in partnership with the French institution Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) is pleased to announce that the second edition of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research will be taking place on 27-28-29 September 2021 in Montpellier, France.

The International Cocoa Research Symposium is becoming a well-established event in the sector, having previously attracted over 500 participants, not only from the scientific community, but also from the entire cocoa value chain, making it a must-attend event for anyone concerned about the future of cocoa.

The Symposium represents a unique opportunity for participants to interact with cocoa industry leaders and high-level speakers, who will present their latest studies and point the way forward for the cocoa sector. The main theme of this edition of the symposium is “Innovations to Support Market Development and Promote Sustainability in Cocoa Farming to Improve Farmers’ Incomes“.

In order to facilitate the reception of papers and presentations, as well as the registration to attend the event, the organization has published the website www.iscrsymposium.org from which all the information related to the event, the different thematic areas, as well as the conditions and requirements to send the papers can be consulted. The period for submission of papers is open until March 20th, 2021.

For all those who wish to attend the event, which will comply with the strictest measures in terms of prevention of COVID, there are reduced rates until April 30, 2021. Additionally, there are a number of discounts applicable to students and organizations from ICCO Member and non ICCO Member countries.

Press accreditations to attend the event can be requested by emailing events@icco.org or congrescacao2021@cirad.fr

If you want to know more about our latest symposium, please click here

Abidjan, 16 December 2020 During the celebration of its 34th Special Session, the International Cocoa Council has amended the Annex “C” of the ICA, 2010 in application of Rule 24 Reconsideration of a decision of the Administrative Rules of the ICCO. This Annex “C” replaces the previous version approved by the Council at its 102nd regular session in September 2020.


Countries Share of total exports of the country classified as fine and flavour cocoa
Belize a/
Bolivia a/
Brazil 100%
Colombia 95%
Costa Rica 100%
Dominica 100%
Dominican Republic 60%
Ecuador 75%
Grenada 100%
Guatemala 75%
Haiti 75%
Honduras a/
Indonesia 10%
Jamaica 100%
Madagascar 100%
Mexico a/
Nicaragua 100%
Panama 50%
Papua New Guinea 70%
Peru 75%
Saint Lucia 100%
São Tomé and Principé a/
Trinidad and Tobago 100%
Venezuela, Bolivarian Rep. of a/
Vietnam a/

a/ Fine or Flavour cocoa bean exports are present, but the Panel is not able at this time to evaluate and
determine a percentage.

Abidjan, 16 Decembre 2020.  The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) hereby issues a call for expressions of interest for the appointment of an external auditing firm.

The specific services envisaged under this tender are as follows:

  • To produce an annual audit report certifying the accounts for the period from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2021;
  • Eventually, to produce annual audit reports for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years.

The ICCO invites interested firms to submit applications for the provision of the services indicated above. Click on the below links for the terms of reference for this tender.

Eligibility criteria, the drawing up of a shortlist and the selection procedure implemented will be in accordance with current ICCO practices in terms of both the suitability of candidates and the range of countries from which such firms may apply.

Any applications not meeting the following requirements will be declared null and void: five (5) copies of the application must be placed in sealed envelopes, which must in turn be placed within a further envelope addressed as follows:

To the Executive Director, International Cocoa Organization


Each application will comprise four (4) separate sections:

  1. A letter of application addressed to the Executive Director of the International Cocoa Organization;
  2. Administrative data, including the details of the firm (company name, company address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, name and address of the person in charge, field of activity, legal status) and administrative documents confirming the firm’s legal existence (entry in Companies Register, registration of identity for tax purposes [for companies which have been active for less than 18 months], and certificate showing full compliance with fiscal requirements);
  3. Technical data, including information relating to skills and experience of the team in charge of the audit of the ICCO, showing that the firm’s staff are fully qualified to provide the services required (documents, references from organizations to which similar services are or have been provided, experience in comparable appointments, availability of qualified staff, etc.);
  4. An indication of the total fees to be charged for the services provided (in Euros or in CFA Francs).

Applications should be delivered by hand, with no payment of application fees, to the Office of the Executive Director, at the ICCO headquarters whose address is indicated below, no later than Friday 05 February 2021 at 14:00 GMT.

Organisation Internationale du Cacao.

À l’attention de : Monsieur le Directeur Exécutif

Immeuble ICCO, 2-Plateaux Vallon-ENA, Avenue Boga Doudou

06 BP 1166 ABIDJAN 06, Côte d’Ivoire

Applications and any request for further information may also be sent to the following e-mail address: auditandrevision@icco.org

The name of the successful firm will be published in May 2021, following approval of the appointment by the International Cocoa Council.










Abidjan, 02 December 2020 – The International Cocoa Organization today releases its revised estimates of world production, grindings, and stocks of cocoa beans for the 2019/20 and 2018/19 cocoa years, summarized below. The data published in Issue No. 4 – Volume XLVI – Cocoa Year 2019/20 of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, reflect the most recent information available to the Secretariat as at the beginning of November 2020.

In order to generate more value-added information for the cocoa sector and to provide its readers with a better user experience, the new Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics has been totally rebranded with a more visual and user-friendly design, for a better and faster understanding of the data by its readers. Besides graphical illustrations of the global market, for visualization purposes, the information in each section also has been captured in several maps, pie charts and Sankey diagrams. In addition, the Bulletin includes comments on crop and demand developments in the leading countries and a review of price movements on international markets for cocoa beans during the 2019/20 season. Furthermore, the document contains a valuable annex with historical data updated on a quarterly basis by the Organization’s Statistics Section.

Statistical information on trade in cocoa beans, cocoa products and chocolate, by country and by region, published in this edition, covers annual data from 2016/17 to 2018/19 and quarterly statistics for the period July-September 2018 to January-March 2020. Details of destination of exports and origin of imports for leading cocoa exporting countries are also provided.

Summary of revised estimates


Cocoa year
2018/2019 2019/2020 Year-on-year change
estimates a/
(thousand tonnes) (Per cent)
World production 4,784
4,724 4,697
– 87 – 1.8%
World grindings 4,784
– 153 – 3.2%
Surplus/deficit b/ – 48 +42 +19
End-of-season stocks 1,722
+ 19 + 1.1%
Stocks/Grindings ratio 36.0% 38% 37.6%

a/   Estimates published in Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, Vol. XLVI – No. 3 –  Cocoa year 2019/20
b/   Surplus/deficit: net world crop (gross crop adjusted for loss in weight) minus grindings
Totals may differ due to rounding.

Copies of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, in Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF formats, can be now ordered from the new ICCO eShop: www.icco.org/shop