Cost & Benefit Analysis of the EU and US Regulatory Changes for Organic Production

Abidjan, 24 July 2024 – In recent years, organic chocolate has seen significant growth in both the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), driven by consumer demand for healthier and ethically produced foods. However, with this growth comes the need for stricter regulatory frameworks to ensure the integrity and sustainability of organic production.

This comprehensive analysis delves into the latest regulatory changes in the EU and US concerning production and imports of organic agricultural goods – with a special emphasis on cocoa. The study, conducted by TERO and BASIC, evaluates the potential costs and benefits that these new regulations will impose on stakeholders across the entire value chain, in particular cocoa producers.

Key highlights include:

  • An overview of global organic cocoa production and market trends.
  • Detailed examination of the new EU and US organic regulations.
  • Analysis of the projected benefits and compliance costs for organic stakeholders.
  • Comparative scenarios for different producer groups and market contexts.

This document aims to provide stakeholders with valuable insights into how these regulatory changes will impact the organic cocoa and chocolate value chains, helping them navigate the evolving landscape with informed strategies.

See reports below: